Here you will find useful links of general interest around solar energy, photovoltaics and energy transition: data and information from official sources, feature articles.
This section is regularly updated. Resources are in french only
Daniel Lincot is definitely the great specialist in solar energy in France. Today director of research emeritus at the CNRS, visiting professor at the Collège de France as holder of the annual chair on technological innovation, he has devoted his life as a researcher to the development of photovoltaic energy. Discover his online courses at the Collège de France on the theme Photovoltaic solar energy and energy transition.
Access its inaugural lesson by clicking on the title. The link to its magnificent 10-30 year outlook is accessible by clicking on the image.
Renewable energy support systems, latest news September 2022
The development of renewable energies benefits from State support either upstream in the field of research and development, or in the industrialization phase in support of demand and commercial deployment (for example through electricity tariffs). purchasing, calls for tenders or tax measures).